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People With Negative IQ's...Quarentine the Stupid ...

Comb-Overs: Make Them Stop!

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  • Friday, February 10, 2006

    People With Negative IQ's...Quarentine the Stupid People!

    There is a saying "It's hard to soar with the eagles when you are surrounded by a bunch of wild turkey's." This statement could not be any more true.

    It speaks to the sheer number of dumb people that society has birthed. So bad, I question if some of these people have IQ's with negative signs in front of them. I can't tell you how many times I have witnessed dumb people asking truly dumb questions. I know it's not always their fault but can't we put all these people in a room designed for dumb people? I mean, can't we quarentine the stupid idiots? Sadly, I don't think they are 100% stupid, I think they are just too lazy to think!

    A perfect example is when someone gets on a public bus, sits down for three stops and then decides to ask the driver if the bus goes to a specific stop. Shouldn't you have asked that question before getting ON THE BUS?

    Another great example is going to a fish restaurant and complaining about the fish smell or going to a bar asking for a non-alcoholic drink. Or someone who asks the question " I have a tv with the antenna on top of it but the picture is coming in fuzzy...what should I do?" - UM move the god damn antenna a bit and if it doesn't work - BUY CABLE!

    My all time favorite is when people complain about not getting the sunday ad's in the newspaper. Well, if they are that important to you..CHECK the newspaper for the ad's prior to buying it.

    I mean it's very simple: Smarten' Up! - Don't be Stupid!

    Interactive: Do you know someone who asks dumb questions? Does it annoy you? Do you ever just want to scream at them for being so dumb? - Post your stories and thoughts in the comments section, as usual. Simply click on the # to the right of the title to this entry.

    link | Jason posted at 4:47 PM | 0 comments

    Monday, February 06, 2006

    Comb-Overs: Make Them Stop!

    Let me begin by saying I have a full and healthy head o' hair. And let me also say that I fully understand that there are those that are not so blessed. I have but one thing I'd like to say to those lacking hair on the top of their head...DO NOT DO THE COMB-OVER.

    You see, there are people who hate when they start to go bald. I can only imagine the frustration that you must be going through. That being said, allowing the hair on the sides of your head to grow out to 1 foot long and beyond is not the cure. All this does is allow you to do what too many balding men do and that is the comb-over approach. What's worse is that this trend has spiraled to the point where our English Dictionary has captured the essense of the word. Below is the entry:

    Main Entry: comb-over
    Part of Speech: noun

    Definition: An attempt by a balding person to grow the remaining hair longer and comb it over the bald spot to give the illusion of hair.
    Source: Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.6)Copyright © 2003-2005 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC
    I'd like to say to those men in society that are doing the comb-over and/or are balding on the top part of your head....It's part of life. A bad hairpiece is not going to make you look any better. Reality is most people can tell when you do a hairpiece. The hair is parted to perfectly and the hairline never blends together without it being blatantly noticable. The comb-over is no better. It's not a solution. So just stop it. All I want to do is become a hair stylist and purposely cut off the long hair on the sides of your head so you can't do it anymore!

    Interactive: Do you do a comb-over? If so, why? Have you seen someone with a bad comb-over? Maybe they have a bad hairpiece? - Post your thoughts, stories along with rants and raves in the comments section. Simply click on the # to the right of the title to this entry and let your fingers do the talking. If you've got a picture of a bad comb-over or hairpiece that YOU'VE TAKEN...Originial work only....I'd love to see it, as well!

    link | Jason posted at 2:02 PM | 5 comments